3 Reasons Why Most Filipino Fail or Even Quit in Network Marketing Industry

Statistic shows that most Filipino's who are joining in Network Marketing Industry Fail to Succeed in this business because of this 3 reasons;

1. Lack of Business Background - A lot of us filipinos before we joined in this business was not educated about network marketing. We are not born to become networkers because when we are young,our school trained us to become successful, we need to learn and work hard and look for a job. [Please don't get me wrong] There's nothing wrong about employment what I mean is that we never had a chance to learn another options about how to generate an income aside from employment.
They never teaches us to go to school and learn how to become a successful businessman or even Network Marketing.

That is why a lot of us are not comfortable to do this because our mind was not trained to do business.

A lot of filipinos also, don't have a background in this industry and they never think that network marketing is a BUSINESS!

We must think that this is a REAL BUSINESS in order for us to become successful and not just a hobby or just a part-time thing.

In order for us to avoid this problem, we must educate ourselves first what is really NETWORK MARKETING and how does it really work.

Most of successful Filipino Entrepreneurs is that they have a different mind setting. There minds are not just like an ordinary people doing ordinary things and when they build their MLM business they have BROAD KNOWLEDGE AND LEARNING SKILLS they know how to handle their teams because they are focused in learning new skills to teach them so they can help a lot of people succeed and ONE of their ASSETS is their KNOWLEDGE of the BUSINESS.

Hypes and Baliwan is simply not enough (POWER! GRABEH!) and is just a merely a reactions.

2. LACK OF TRAINING - Like I said most of the filipinos doesn't have a background IDEA about Network Marketing and they don't have any knowledge or proper training in this kind of industry. Once again, this is the reason why filipino failed to understand that PROPER MARKETING is the foundation of all business.

You might notice that I emphasize PROPER MAKETING, the reason is most filipino networkers mistakenly market the wrong person by sales pitching, spamming and forcing them to join to your business.

They'll try to Recruit others even if they are not interested.

My friend, if you know how to market correctly, you don't have to convince anyone to buy form you to join your opportunity. They'll be the one to ask you to do so.

3. ATTITUDE PROBLEM - Most People fail in Network Marketing is because they don't practice POSITIVE ATTITUDE.

Knowledge, Skills and Training's is not enough to succeed if you don't set your mind that you will become successful.

POSITIVE Attitude is the most important of all aspects in life to succeed in this industry. Most people fail in network marketing because they often focus on the negative side. They fail because they think they can't do it even if they have already attended the training's. They fail because of being lazy, they procrastinate and having a fear of rejections.

In order for us to overcome this bad attitude, we only need to change the way we THINK and the way we perceive in our life. All we need to do is to change the negative into POSITIVE thinking. If we think positive, our actions will be positive and if our actions is positive, our RESULTS is POSITIVE!

We have to feed our mind into positive not just today but EVERYDAY in our life and we have to make it as a LIFESTYLE just like we take our bath everyday because negative comes naturally that's why we need to take an EFFORT to feed our mind positively.

Therefore, if we set our mind into positive, our attitude will affect into POSITIVE RESULTS. Knowledge, skills and training's are just part of the results of our attitude and ultimately if you do this, you will become successful in this industry.

I hope that Helps! If you find this very helpful,
go ahead and share it with your friends! :)

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