Have you ever experience your downline didn't make any money or cannot sponsor others?Didn't even duplicate your skills or you may seems to find that your team doesn't grow?
In this blog, what I am about to share is all about the common problems of all networkers why mostly some of them may have sponsored tons of distributors and yet they find it terrible leading them.
You must understand that it is definitely NOT enough to just sign people up to your opportunity, there are several important things that will dictate their (and your) success.
Most of distributors who sponsored a lot of people are being frustrated because they are not seeing duplication to the team. Most of the times, they have not even picked up the phone to reach out the people they sponsored and taken for granted.
Remember, network marketing is a relationship business and duplication is also important, so if you don't help them by teaching the business on how to sponsor in a right way..and you let them do the business without guidance, definitely they will never GROW.
Here are my suggested steps you must do in order for you to help your new members establish their foundation in the business.
1. After they signed up, welcome them to the team. Encourage your existing distributors to warmly welcome their new members because the more welcome they feel, the higher the chance they stick around
2. Have your top UPLINES welcome them as well an let your upline talk encouragement to do this business diligently together with the support of the team.
3. Let them attend the basic distributors training's. This might be from your company or from your upline training's. One of the most important things they need to learn on the training is what NOT to do email spamming, facebook wall spamming should be discourage.
4. Have a STRATEGY call with them after they finish the training. INSTRUCT them how they can get their questions answered.
5. Encourage them to attend the next company event in network marketing. This is the best and most effective way to grow your largest teams who always promote their company events. Why is that? Because being at company events is the best builder of belief and if your MLM team has more belief, they will work this business harder and with more confidence.
You may seems to notice that the steps above is very very simple and easy but base on my own observations, it seems that those head duty recruiters rarely follow those simple steps. Yes, you may be the best distributor who sponsors more downlines but if you don't duplicate your talent, skills, and knowledge you are missing out the greatest aspect of network marketing and that is the residual income. You might as well be at a sales job if this is the case.
It is not important how little signup bonus you have, but you need to focus more on the people whom you can find them coachable and will do whatever it takes to learn the business and seriously do the business that impacts a LOT of people.
That is how you can create something much better more fulfilling than a sale job.
I'm on my quest to help filipino people on how best to work in this industry, I hope that some of you who read my article will help you the steps above and implement them on someone you recently recruited and use it as a guideline for future signups for you.
If you learned something in this post, I would love to hear your comments and share if you want more content like this!
Yours Truly,
PS - Want To Learn How To Sponsor 20 Downlines in 30 DAYS In YOUR Network Marketing Business? CLICK HERE NOW!